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Messages - tokyo

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So that's why you're the old creeper that added me on the HAMB.  Welcome back to the Midwest.  What position did you take at NDSU?

Boris - that's me..sorry it was random..just using the internet for what its for - you know...meeting guys - J/K.  I was offered the associate director position in the career center.  Really looking forward to it to. 

I've got a couple 94 carbs still in the box that you sent them to me in, for a tri-power setup I was going to get right on building. You can come and visit them and get the nickel tour. :) Oh, and welcome to the plains, enjoy the chitty weather.
Eber - i will. 

Excellent!! Be good to see ya again!  Wanna race?? :)
You betcha...but this can't fall on your face!....DIG A HOLE!!!

Here is an updated picture -

Kool, welcome to the neighborhood. Is that the HAMB chop Merc?

Dallas - new one.  Got it running the other night with some help from sawzall and don haring. 

Tools / Re: Welding tip size chart
« on: July 18, 2011 9:07 pm »
Henrobs aren't as great as you might first think.  I have used them and though quick, there still can be quite a bit of clean up after and the metal has to be clean.

I am making good on a promise to get my wife closer to her family and accepted a job at NDSU in Fargo. 

So...what does that mean?  I am looking to meet up with some suedes and talk car stuff as I won't have much to do until we sell our philadelphia house.  I am on the HAMB, which I suspect most of you guys are as well. I am not asian, but I have a funny story on how I got my Tokyo handle.

For those that I don't know, I grew up in WI and lived in the MN/TC area for awhile before moving out to Philadelphia and have been out here for the past 8 yrs. 

I have a basketcase 50 merc and go to as many swaps as possible.

Bryan (Tokyo)

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