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Messages - tokyo

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General Discussion / Re: Sandblaster needed
« on: September 23, 2012 6:41 pm »
thanks i will call him this week. 

General Discussion / Sandblaster needed
« on: September 23, 2012 3:12 pm »
So i got all this "old car stuff" right?  Well, some of the stuff I have i want to keep for my own use and decoration.  Some stuff I want to sell.  So, the problem is this - i like clean parts.  Easier to transport, use for mock ups, prep for paint, panel fitment etc.  but I don't have a house yet, and if I did I would do most of it myself.

So, with the rusty stuff I have is there a guy/local business that would handle small stuff like car parts?  Is there someone that the club has used in the past?

I have valve covers, dashes, various brackets, some sheet metal, engine parts and stuff like that. 

I know that there are a few big businesses in this area but they deal with commercial sized stuff and so on.

I would like to find a guy like "amish ray" who i used out in PA i could drop stuff off at and he would have his 12 barefoot children help blast it and prime it for a decent price and turn around time.


General Discussion / Re: Ebay thread II
« on: September 21, 2012 5:06 pm »
rebuilder.  He thinks it is stuck - but i think the auto trans needs to be taken off and then seen if it will spin over.  We took the carb off to make it easier to lift without damaging it.  Also, it doesn't have the side covers.  If it had shop space i would get that trans off and then see.
it is heavy though. 

General Discussion / Re: ndsra annual meeting
« on: September 21, 2012 4:54 pm »
yep, i like this date as well, i hope to make it either way.

Newbie Intros / Re: Hello from Fargo/Moorhead
« on: September 21, 2012 4:53 pm »
pictures pictures...sounds like a cool project. 

General Discussion / Re: Ebay thread II
« on: September 21, 2012 4:51 pm »
yeah, i knew he wanted to sell it, but maybe someone else in the club would be interested.

General Discussion / Re: Ebay thread II
« on: September 20, 2012 2:56 am »
looks to me like there are two different doors.  The bead lines are different?  It been a long day..maybe i am seeing things that aren't there

General Discussion / Re: Four link setup
« on: September 16, 2012 1:59 pm »
i put the chevy trailing arms in the merc.  I have seen them on other early fords as well...they are really pretty easy and lean to the bag set up pretty nicely.

Newbie Intros / Re: Cheers from the new chick
« on: September 16, 2012 1:46 pm »
Alright!  welcome Roxy...

General Discussion / Re: Y block questions
« on: September 11, 2012 3:45 am »
yeah, 312 - 292 should be the same block and engine mounts.

General Discussion / Re: HAMB Drags
« on: August 16, 2012 6:07 pm »
won't be able to go.  now that I am closer I thought of it, but alas my schedule isn't open.

General Discussion / Re: Ebay thread II
« on: August 15, 2012 9:27 pm »
hhmm...doesn't look to hard to make.

just saying.

lucky, i have seen it in person.  I remember it and saw it at latimore as well.  Never got to drive it though as Clark sold it shortly after i saw it.  Didn't know exactly where it went, but it is good to see it come up here. 

serious - you are right. 

those price ranges are about correct.  Clark certainly did not give that thing away by any means.  He made his money on it.  I would think that 13-18 would be about right.

that exhaust is going to sound awesome!

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