General > General Discussion

Tower City Wheel Bearing Repairs


I just had to mention that about 2 weeks ago my son and i headed to Fargo to pick up a very large load of liner panel for a shop addition, and lo and behold by the Tower City rest area we noticed a very hot trailer bearing. To make a long story short we got very lucky and were able to get the wheel and bearings off. We unhooked the trailer and headed 17 miles west to Valley City and aquired all the needed parts and a hour later were back on the road. For those that dont remember this is the exact same rest area Tom and i smoked the wheel bearing on my 56 on the way to the Hunnert Car Pileup...i cant seem to get by that rest area without spare bearings...

Sounds like you better find a different route.

In April I stopped at that rest stop because my Dodge was spitting out a code for a plugged cat that was no longer there.  I continued on to Fargo for the weekend and Sunday when I was driving back the wheel bearing on the Dodge went out...

What a great way to do it.


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