Time for another update. I didn't quite make my New Year's Goal, but progress is being made.
Accessories: I fabbed up mounts for both the AC compressor and the alternator. It worked out well as I was able to put the AC compressor in the same spot as the original generator and mount the alternator directly above it. The power steering pump is stock.

Exhaust and Steering: I ordered a set of headers from FPA. I then went about connecting the steering column to the rack and pinion. There wasn't much room, but the headers fit well and all I had to do was cheat the rack and pinion over 1.5" and it all came together. I forgot to take pictures, but once the headers get back from the ceramic coaters, I will snap a few. Here is a pic of the small area four tubes and a steering linkage had to fit through.

Fuel Tank: I needed a new fuel tank since the original one was a study in corrosion, and there was no way I was going to be able to save it. Unfortunately, no body reproduces tanks for the early 60's Galaxies or Monterey Wagons. If it had been a 2 or 4 door, no problem, but the wagon is different. So I decided to make my own. Now, since I was going through the hassle of making my own tank, I figured I might as well make it as large as possible in order to get as much range out of this car as I could. I hate the small 15 gal. tank in my '51 as I have to fill up every 250 miles. My goal was 400 miles or about 25 gals. Anyways, after using my X-mas break to pound out some sheet metal, It went from this...

To this...

I pressure checked the tank, just a couple of pin holes to weld up, and all was fine. Now I have to seal the inside and paint it.
Transmission: In my last post I mentioned ordering an AOD from Broader Performance. It is built, the trans was dynoed on Dec. 22nd and shipped Jan 4th. I will have it next week, then I will build a trans cross member, check floor clearances, and paint it.
Once the trans clearance is OKed, then the body will come off the frame (again) for under-coat and the chassis can be completed, exhaust, final paint, air, fuel, and brake lines, etc, all while the engine will return to Hultgren's for it's turn on the dyno. The next couple of months should be fun.