General Discussion / RE: engine knocking ?
« on: September 04, 2007 2:30 am »
Engine Knocking is also caused by the early detonation of the fuel. This occurs from having a low grade fuel in a motor with a higher compression ratio and the fuel detonates before the spark plug fires (Essentially becoming a diesel with really bad timing). The effects can range from bent con-rods to damaged crank bearings to holes burnt into the top of the pistons. It typically occurs under WOT (wide open throttle) at low rpm's in the presence of a high heat load, or when the motor is really lugging.
Typically you want to use the following rule:
92 Octane: no higher than 10.5:1 compression ratio
98 Octane: no higher than 11:1 compression ratio
105 Octane: no higher than 13:1 compression ratio
Typically you want to use the following rule:
92 Octane: no higher than 10.5:1 compression ratio
98 Octane: no higher than 11:1 compression ratio
105 Octane: no higher than 13:1 compression ratio