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Topics - AdamNDebbie

Pages: [1]
Event Announcements / 2016 Prime Steel Car Show
« on: March 18, 2016 12:55 am »

Event Announcements / 32nd Annual Prime Steel Car Show
« on: February 07, 2014 2:16 am »
It is that time of year again.  The 32nd Annual Prime Steel Car Show will be April 12th and 13th. 

We are looking to feature vintage dragsters this year.  The car of the year is a '55 Chevy Gasser, and we already have a few other drag cars registered and a couple more commitments.  I would love to put a bunch more on the floor.  Of course Hot Rods and Customs are still accepted as well.  Come join us for a fun weekend.


Last years Suedes Car Club Display

For Sale / 1950's and 1960's Ford NOS Key Blanks
« on: June 07, 2013 3:29 am »
These are NOS Ford Key blanks that came out of the Red Lake Falls, MN Ford Dealership.  There are multiples of each style. Cut them to match whatever you want.

$10 each.

Also, One set of Early 50's Ford Glove Box Key's and tumbler and One set of late 50's Glove Box Key and Tumbler.

$25 each.

Adam Kuiken
PM or e-mail

For Sale / Rotisserie ****SOLD****
« on: March 19, 2013 3:07 am »
I need to raise some funds so I can get the Merc painted, so as promised, I am putting the rotisserie up for sale.  I built it out of 2 1/2" and 3" (3/16 and 1/4" wall) square tubing.  It had no trouble supporting the body of the Merc Wagon and I could easily spin the body 360 deg. by myself.  The center tube can be cut to fit any length body or frame.  There is 30" of height adjustment from the each of the 3 ton Torin Jacks on each end.  I am willing to deliver it within a reasonable distance (Fargo, DL, Bemidji, etc.).

Price: $900

Phone: 218-201-0813

General Discussion / Moorhead Thunderbolt
« on: September 04, 2010 2:59 am »
I was surfing the web this evening and came across this pic on the HAMB.  I couldn't help but notice the lettering on the door.  Do any of the F-M guys have any info or history on this car??? Or perhaps even were it is today???

Project Reports / '62 Monterey Wagon
« on: January 17, 2010 2:55 am »
I have finally decided to do a build post, so here goes.

I pulled this old heap home in July 2008.  It was found in a tree row near Twin Valley.  The car was parked in 1976, and yes I got the "It ran real good when it was parked"  line.  Needless to say though, after sitting for 32 years, it no longer ran (that and the 1976 gas that was still in the tank had the consistency of burnt molasses). But for a couple hundred bucks and a tank of gas in the truck, I figured the drivetrain (FE, Cruis-O-Matic, Big 9 inch) was worth it if nothing else.

For Sale / 62 Ford-O-Matic 3 Spd Auto
« on: August 17, 2009 3:08 am »
1962 Mercury Ford-O-Matic Automatic Transmission, 3 spd Cast Iron Case

Free to a good Home if you pick it up (Warren, MN), OR the price of Fuel If I deliver it (20 mpg).

Trans came out of a Monterey that was sitting for 30 yrs (110,000 miles when parked).  Should make a good core, but needs a complete overhaul.  Bellhousing fits any Ford FE Big Block (332/352/360/361/390/391/406/410/427/428).

Wanted / 26-27 T Roadster Pass. Door
« on: August 27, 2007 1:57 am »
I am looking for a passenger door for my '27 roadster P.U.

Can Any one Help?

General Discussion / Odd Ford Flathead Intake Manifolds
« on: February 02, 2007 2:31 am »

Surfing the Internet for part cost so I can start building my 27 T roadster P.U., and came across an interesting site.


Owned by Ken Austin who is repopping numerous Ford flatmotor intakes.
4 carb V8, Ardun, V8 60, Lincoln V12.  Very good prices.

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