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Topics - eugenevik

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
on page 70 on right hand side is the trophy that the rivera won in detroit
it is lasting better than the championship one that ISC give me for  the year that i droped yesterday while setting up for a photo shoot,   it was Glass, :P   went to wally world and got some gell super glue :P something for my spare time

For Sale / 1930 model A
« on: April 11, 2012 2:08 pm »
spent 25K where did it go?  selling for $11K   ford roller 302  4 bar rear  motor fresh AOD  8 in rear, new radiator, electric fan, snow white water pump polished and chrome parts, polished intake sanderson headders fuel cell, chrome 100 amp alt, needs fenders and running boards fit and make fender extensions tear down and blast frame, no title  boxed frame  mustang 2 front, lowering spndles, special springs, got a pertronix in box, this car needs someone to finish it!!!!!
call 218 784 3794 nite located ada mn
e mail mrmuffler@loretel.net

General Discussion / GM heritage center Detroit
« on: February 28, 2012 11:03 pm »
took a couple photos at the center

General Discussion / any one really want indy pics WOW?
« on: February 15, 2012 6:09 pm »
got some pics , but notting that aint on Hamb
got to get ready and back got a 9 am move in thursday at Detroit  so dont have much time and got a lot of work to do

General Discussion / picked up a old beater
« on: November 04, 2011 3:30 am »
picked up a old beater :)
so what can I do to make it PURTY  and make the wimmen swoon overit???
anyone got any trim  of the fined kind?? or hop up for a 455OLDS?? :-*
got a long cold winter ahead and stocking up on parts and wood hope to accomplish some work by a mirakle, i will needf all the help i can get :o

General Discussion / stuff? seen it Mitchel SD The Outkasts
« on: September 26, 2011 2:58 am »
well its the home of chicken chokers and rabbit catchers
hey i was on the road too long and am fiesty??!!!

For Sale / shop stuff, tools machine shop chop saw stuff
« on: September 25, 2011 11:37 pm »
got tools  125- 147
chopsaw blades  45 = 50
big air comp gas engine
spray guns
auto body jacks pullers
spray guns
look around bid till it hurts
parts cabinet somewhere in there

Wanted / wanted 4door 1931 Ford
« on: July 22, 2011 10:23 pm »
 :P   70 year young boy desires  1931  model A 4 door  sedan 
 looks like a banger
, more boreing and stroking :D
contact leon Johnson   Ada MN  to help him foufill his latest dream :-\
telephone 218 784 2913
cause he aint computer   ???  literate :'(

let me know, got a lot to do ???

General Discussion / stray dog (CAT?) Dewey OK
« on: May 10, 2011 1:46 am »
my computer stoped running after  downloading and shut down for a couple hours but was able to save the pics
something even for dalles and old chev fans and a couple of rods??

General Discussion / Starbird Museum Pieces
« on: May 09, 2011 11:14 pm »
including the Big T  and Bill Heins "Bat"

For Sale / rear air bag suspension for 52 chev
« on: April 20, 2011 11:46 pm »
like truck arms, comes with arms, brackets, bags and sway bar  $200 plus ship maDE BY THE COMPANY IN iNDIANA ??

General Discussion / Deluded in Duluth WOW
« on: March 28, 2011 7:44 pm »
was not on my usual poor photographic skills, decided to take a walk and shoot a few!!

General Discussion / Custom Kar Show
« on: February 22, 2011 8:25 am »
took sum pikures that may intrest some here :P

For Sale / 235 Chev new parts
« on: December 29, 2010 11:51 pm »
235 rod bearing set standard size  $10 was for 1955 chev pickup 235  plus shiping
NAPA Micro-Test fiber timing gear #8-2500  $10  plus shipping
cost $22 in 1983 was for 1960  235 passenger car 
who knows what i will find next :-\ :D :)

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